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What is the Wester Ross Biosphere

Post in Business and Tourism by Tina Hartley
Fantastic that Garve is the gateway to the Wester Ross Biosphere, but what is it?

Garve - Gateway to Wester Ross Biosphere

Taken from the Wester Ross Biosphere Website
What we do
Wester Ross was recognised as a Biosphere Reserve in 2016 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) for its fantastic array of landscapes, wildlife and cultural heritage that the region offers. Biospheres house dynamic local partnerships, rooted in communities that work collaboratively with Biosphere teams in a global network, to explore how – through education, science, culture, communication and information – we can learn to live in harmony with our environment.
Biospheres are inclusive by design. Rather than keeping nature and people apart, biospheres celebrate the way in which we actively work with our world class environment.
Biospheres are natural learning laboratories, where we can explore and enhance our understanding of nature.
People in the Highlands have long been managing the landscape, and their shared historical and present knowledge are vital to the future of our economic, cultural and environmental well-being.
Check out the Wester Ross Strategic Plan below in our attachment area.
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