
Needles & Hooks is On

Post in Community Groups & Events by Morven MacDonald
Next Wednesday 16th June at 2pm in the Garve Hall, finally face to face. Hooray!

Crochet, Knitting, Sewing, Embroidery, Chat and Laughter

This will be the first small group to be back in the hall after all this time. It will be wonderful to see you all in person and catch up.
What to Bring
Bring along any materials and tools you have for any of the above activities, plus any current projects, part completed or even shelved ones to get us started and give us a focus. Dress warm enough for the doors and if possible some windows being open. We won't be serving drinks at this session but may introduce this next time. Do bring your own flask or bottle if you wish (non-alcoholic haha)
9 people have shown interest in this group and I will attend the session too.  We will be safely complying with all restrictions in place at the time. For everyone's reassurance I have detailed the measures here.  I will be asking:
  • Everyone to sanitise their hands as they enter the hall
  • Wear a mask until you are seated
  • Put on your mask if you get up from table
  • Tables and seating will be arranged for groups of 3 (as you would in a restaurant)
  • The hall will have had all surfaces cleaned prior to the start of the group
  • The doors and if possible some windows, will be open to keep the room well ventilated
We are taking things gently, a step at a time. I am aware for groups like this more people are permitted to be seated together, however I feel this is a good place to start to give everyone reassurance that we are being very safe and careful. It will be reviewed as time goes on, in line with government guidance and the important views of the group members.
Contact Morven if you are you interested in coming along to a relaxed and informal group where you can knit, crochet, sew, embroider, learn from each other and have a good chat and laugh.
Thanks to Lochluichart Community Trust for funding the Activate Garve & District Project to make this possible.

Questions & Comments

Here's what others said...


Bertha Logie said:

This is something l may be intrrested in but l have to be away on Wed.afternoon. Hopefully l may catch up at a later date.Hope things are going well for you.bertha

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